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My latest sustainable collection

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

Sustainable has been always a topic for fashion design. The new sustainable collection of mine is about deformed vegetables and human beings. We always see the same look vegetables in the supermarkets because people don't like deformed vegetables even they tast th as others.

People don't get used to different look creatures as well as human beings. Deformed people also live at the corner of society just because of their looks. People who have different races also being treated somehow unfairly in our life. A sustainable world supposed to be people stick together and love each other. We should consider other people as our own family. The more we love each other the more we can make the earth peace and live longer.

The new collection is performing deformed body shape on regular people. Any of us can be the ones who get treated unfairly and we should think of ourselves at other people's views. The unregular vegetable shape combine with nude color cotton filled clothes present that all the creatures should be equal. All life matters but not only our human being because all of us live on this earth

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